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The study of the effectiveness of communication in a team

My name is Joanna Synak. I am an International Management student at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology. I am conducting a research concerning communication in a team. The collected results will be used as reference to my master thesis. The survey should take about 15 minutes, and your responses will be completely anonymous and will be kept confidential.
Thank you for taking your time to fill out this questionnaire.
* 1. Where do you work?
Hungary Poland
* 2. What is your gender?
Female Male
* 3. What is your age?
18 – 29 30 – 49 over 50
* 4. What is your education level?
Primary school Secondary school University
* 5. How long have you been working?
0 – 2 years 3 – 10 years over 10 years
* 6. In what kind of company do you work?
* 7. For each listed below statement, please indicate the level of significance of the objective of communication in the team you work in.
Definitely irrelevantIrrelevantNeither relevant nor irrelevantRelevantDefinitely relevant
Transmission of current information
Motivation to work for the whole team, organization
Creation of a positive atmosphere in a workplace
Building a positive image of a team / an organization among employees
Uniting workers around the mission, values and strategy of a team
Preparing team players / workers for the upcoming changes
* 8. For each listed below statement, please indicate which of the individual factors, relating to people involved in the communication process, influence the effectiveness of communication in the team you work in.
Definitely irrelevantIrrelevantNeither relevant nor irrelevantRelevantDefinitely relevant
Core values
Family status
Individual experience
Cultural differences
Language of communication (mother tongue and foreign language)
* 9. For each listed below statement, please indicate which of the group factors influence the effectiveness of communication in the team you work in.
Definitely irrelevantIrrelevantNeither relevant nor irrelevantRelevantDefinitely relevant
Management style of supervisor
Relations between people within the working groups
Cultural variety
Conflicts and methods of resolving conflicts
Formal communication network
Informal communication network
Clearly defined objective
Division of roles and responsibilities
* 10. For each listed below statement, please indicate which of the organizational factors influence the effectiveness of communication in the team you work in.
Definitely irrelevantIrrelevantNeither relevant nor irrelevantRelevantDefinitely relevant
Culture of organization
Organizational structure
Organizational changes
Ways of communication (superior – employee and employee – superior)
Power struggle in an organization
* 11. Please mark if the communication activities have an impact on the following issues.
Have no impactHave some impactAre crucial
The general atmosphere of the work
Accomplishment of the objectives of the company
Perception of the company by employees
Readiness for recommendation the company’s offer to acquaintances
Tendency to recommend the company as an employer
* 12. How important are the following communication’s aspects for you in the team you work in? Please rank the following aspects in order from the most important to the least significant.
Twój ranking (tutaj upuść) Lista elementów (stąd przeciągnij)
  •   Access to information
  •   Flow rate of information
  •   The amount of information received against the amount of information needed
  •   Completeness and accuracy of received information
  •   Adaptation of communication activities to the needs of employees
  •   Communication atmosphere
* 13. Is there a possibility to express your opinion in the team you work in?
Yes No
* 14. On what do you focus more in the team you work in, on the relationship between people or the matter?
The relationship The matter
* 15. Please evaluate the usefulness of the following tools of communication in the team you work in. If any of the instruments is not used, please tick 'not applicable'. In the column ‘Preference’, please indicate what tools of communication you prefer (maximally 6).
UselessNeither useful nor uselessUsefulNot applicablePreference
Face-to-face conversation
Interdisciplinary teams
Office hours of board of directors
Training courses
Integration events
Celebration of Christmas and fests
Company’s forum
Informal employees’ forum
Social media
Gossip and rumours
Visiting workers in their workplace by the supervisor
Informal working teams
Informal relationships between employees
Informal staff meetings after work
Promotion of the initiatives of employees – for instance sponsorship
* 16. Please list at least three factors that destroy internal communication in a team.
* 17. What kind of barriers of communication do you encounter in the team you work in? Please indicate one barrier that is the most common for you.
physical (noise, discomfort, lack of time)
psychological (aversion to others, distrust, extreme emotionalism)
linguistic (ambiguous words, different languages)
cultural (different views, values, norms, rules)
* 18. Please evaluate how often do you encounter the following barriers in the team you work in.
NeverAlmost neverRarelyOftenVery often
Excessive interruptions in conversation
Changing of subject
Overloading the number of information
Incomprehensible language
Contradiction between verbal and nonverbal signals
19. Which of the statements best reflects your way for eliminating barriers in communication in a team? Please indicate maximally three ways that best reflect yourself.
listening carefully, trying to understand what someone wants to convey
using the language tailored to the interlocutor
paraphrasing – saying in own words to check the understanding of the message
trying to keep the verbal messages in accordance to the nonverbal messages
keeping emotional distance
emphasizing important issues in order to make a mental note
20. What is usually the reason of conflict in the team you work in? Please select one of the following possibilities.
inadequate flow of information
lack of motivation
* 21. What type of conflicts are most common in the team you work in? Please select one of the following possibilities.
subordinate - leader
between group members
employee - team
superior - group of employees
22. Which of the techniques listed below work best in resolving conflicts in the team you work in? Please select maximally three techniques of the following possibilities.
Negotiations (direct talks aimed at reaching an agreement, transaction or problem)
Mediation (associated with the participation of a third person in conflict resolution)
Compromise (preference to give a little and receiving little to deal with the issue)
Avoidance (the reluctance of a person to confront or engagement in conflict)
Competition (imposing own solutions at the expense of the other party)
Cooperation (desire to work with others to find solution, which will satisfy both sides)


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